From here you can search our database of records for every object in the permanent collection, including those on long-term loan to the Museum. You have two ways to search: a broad search by entering one or more keywords in the field below, and a more focused search using one or more of the categories in the form to the right.
The Broad Search will provide a list of records which contain the keywords in any of a range of fields. For example, searching for "wood" will bring up a list of objects that includes works by an artist such as Grant Wood, wood engravings, objects made of wood, and works with the word "wood" in the title. Only complete instances of the word are selected.
The Focused Search allows you to specify more detail and to control the fields searched. Some fields offer a drop-down menu of choices (Department and Classification); others will automatically suggest possible options as you type (Artist, Title, Medium, and Culture). In Focused Search, parts of words are also considered. For example, searching on "Frank" in Title will return "Frankie and Johnny" and "Rotation Frankfurt III", as well as "Frank Kenan" and "Frank Porter."